The AMAZINGCOIN foundation introduces the first global payment solution for payment industry powered by blockchain and cryptocurrencies. In the present era, it is quite challenging task to purchase goods and services online using fiat currency.
  • Use of fiat currency requires intermediary bank accounts and interfere of third party as well as governments on your transactions.
  • While, using blockchain powered payment gateway it can ignore such possibilities.
Following the blockchain based structure, whenever a transaction occurs, it will be executed through smart contract & decentralized applications, which makes all transactions transparent and immutable and it allow both merchant and customer to avoid and easily solve common problems, such as refunds & disputes related matters.
AMAZINGCOIN platform aims to provide better performance in the payment industry using Blockchain. AMZ payments focused on the crypto payment services for the merchant and users, such as points of sale, invoices, product payments, subscriptions including the anonymous transactions.

Technology: ERC20 Explained

AMAZINGCOIN maintains and use advanced blockchain technology to make every single transactions secure, fast and anonymous between users.
AMAZINGCOIN is developed using ethereum smart contract ERC20 token. AMAZING is an ERC20 token and is configured to follow all security principles of ERC20.
Based on ethereum smart contract algorithms, it makes your payment to confirm within 15 seconds.
e.g; you send transaction of 50 AMZ to your merchant to buy pizza online and they receives amount in AMAZINGSCOIN (Symbol: AMZ) based on ERC20 standard.
AMAZINGCOIN is not limited to the P2P transfers but also usable for international transfers, invoice management, product management and as a cryptocurrency payment gateway for merchants.


The amount of money raised in AMAZINGCOIN pre-sale ICO will allow us to get a fund for development purpose. Funds collected during pre-sale ICO phase will be distributed between various channels including development, community promotions to increase presence in blockchain community and operating expenses. Please check our timeline of roadmap below for quick look at the goals.


Concept Development:
  • Research into blockchain technology and payment gateway markets. Do a feasible study of all possible technologies we can integrate in.


Idea Validations:
  • The development team will start to work on ideas and differentiate it based on the initial prototype of the AMZ Token.


Services & Projects Announced:
  • Finalize the possible services (payment solutions), projects (web wallet, mobile wallet) and third party tools, which will be used along-with the AMZ token.


Testing Performance of Coin:
  • AMZING Token performance testing starts by development team.


Coin Testnet Development Started:
  • Development team is looking into a test-net development to make sure everything works fine during development stage.


Website Launch:
  • Launch the fully functional working website including the introduction to the coin.
  • Prepare & launch AMAZING token ICO to begin the Crowdsale process.


- Presale ICO
- Initial Coin launch
- Web wallet test net launch
- AMZ Pay (Payment gateway) sandbox
- AMZ mobile wallet (alpha 1.0)
- Final testing of web wallet


- Web wallet launch
-AMZ Payment Gateway Core testing
- Mobile wallet testnet (beta 2.0)
- AMZ Payment Gateway official launch


- AMZ Mobile wallet launch
- Further development of AMZ

AMZINGCOIN Token Distribution

The initial AMAZINGCOIN token supply is a 1 bn* each priced at 0.15 USD. for the first phase that is an ICO, there will be 0.55 bn* token available for the public during ICO. Funds raised during the ICO will be used solely for the development of the AmazingCoin network. The following distribution of funds is preliminary and can be a subject to change.

Token Distribution

AMAZINGCOIN Token Distribution

  • ● Pre-Sale Process (ICO): 5.5 million AMZ Coins/Tokens. 
  • ● AMAZING COIN for Public: 30 million AMZ Coins/Tokens. 
  • ● AMAZING COIN Foundation Reserve: 1.9 million AMZ Coins/Tokens. 
  • ● Advisory Team: 0.7 million AMZ Coins/Tokens. This will be allocated as rewards for advisors team. 
  • ● Reserve Fund: 1.7 million AMZ Coins/Tokens. This portion will be allocated to reward early adopters and provide liquidity to the market if required. 
  • ● Charity : 0.3 million AMZ Coins/Tokens. 
  • ● Bounty Program: 0.2 million AMZ Coins/Tokens. 

Crowdsale (ICO) distribution

AMAZINGCOIN Crowdsale (ICO) distribution

ICO (10%),
Public (62%),
Foundation (10%),
Advisory (5%),
Reserve Fund (10%),
Charity (2%),
Bounty (1%)


AMAZINGCOIN (AMZ)is more than just a coin. It’s a technology poised to disrupt the entire payment industry covering peer to peer payments and mass payments. It is like of a revolution in the peer to peer cryptocurrency payment world.
Traditional payment system requires efforts to manage & maintain the systems. While in the case of AMZ, less maintenance with nearly less transaction fees puts up maximum benefits to the users of AMZ.
AMZINGCOIN offers not only a decentralized payment mechanism based on the blockchain, but also a sustainable economy that produces, manages & securely send/receive large number of transactions each & every second. Last but not the least, the AMZINGCOIN is just going to be the first leading peer to peer cryptocurrency to manage the high value instant payments.


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